Your secret AI weapon. Become an AI Pro today with PromptPal Pro.
Get 3 months free
Free for everyone
3 Seats
Access free prompts
Access thousands of free prompts provided by PromptPal and its community
Personal profile
You'll have a personal profile where you can save your favorite prompts
Pro Prompts
$3.74 / month
3 Seats included
Everything in Free, plus:
Access Pro prompts
You'll be able to access unlimited Pro prompts across all AI types, including ChatGPT, Midjourney, Dall-E, and more.
Includes up to 3 team members
You can invite up to 3 team members with the same permissions as your account for no extra charge
Used by the best companies
The world’s best teams use PromptPal, from next-generation startups to established enterprises.
Built for teams who want to scale with confidence. PromptPal Teams offers the ability to add unlimited team members to your project.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I change my plan in the future?
Yes, you're free to change your plan whenever you like
Can I get an invoice?
Yes, we have a dashboard where you can see and download all previous invoices
Can my company use PromptPal teams for free?
Yes, you and your teammates can sign up to a teams account on PromptPal completely free of charge.
Can I cancel my plan at any time?
Yes, you can cancel your plan at any time you wish.
Will I receive business invoices?
Yes, you will receive business invoices when signing up for one of our plans.
Can I get a custom plan?
Yes, you can get a custom plan. Please feel free to reach out to our sales team at