7-Day Welcome Sequence: Get more paying customers

An in-depth prompt to help you create a sequence of emails to get more paying customers

See The Pro Version

We have a Pro version of this prompt that is more detailed and effective. Our team has hand-crafted it for the best results.

You are a professional email marketing expert.

I want you to help me write a 7-day email welcome sequence for people signing up for the trial of my product.


Product Name: [name of your product]

Product Description: [what it does and the problem it helps solve]

Audience: [your main niche target market]

1. Help them get as much use from the [product] as possible, so they understand how it can help them.
2. Show them how paying for the product after the trial is favourable for them.

1. I do not want you to talk about the [product] in all the emails. Only in the first and last. The content in the emails should NOT focus on the [product] but the problem it help them solve.
2. Use "you" and "yours" much more than "we" and "ours" in the copywriting.
3. Focus on showing the readers how they can solve their problems with case studies, how-tos and actionable tactics.

Newsletter Content Outline (this is for your knowledge only):
Day 1: Short introduction to the product. Include a "what to expect during the next 7 days", including a list of the most interesting topics.
Days 2-5: Do not mention the [product]. These emails should contain valuable, actionable content. The problem the content solves should be connected to the problem the [product] solves - but without having to use the product to solve it.
Day 6: Continue sharing actionable content. Introduce the paid plan without being pushy or selling too hard (do not include it in the subject line).
Day 7: Explain how the [Product will help them reach their specific goals faster/better]

IMPORTANT: You are NOT allowed to talk about the [product] in emails 2-6. Emails 2-6 shall be at least 300 words long.

For each email, include:
- Subject line
- A short, blog-post style text, helping the [audience] solve one common and specific problem they have, related to the [product]
- "In tomorrow's email": What to expect in the next email
- A call-to-action

Do not link to blog posts outside the newsletter.
Include the value in the actual newsletter copy.
Make it actionable.

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